I'd like to thank Aunt Marci for making Tyler's cake for his ninth birthday! He wanted, "A vanilla cake with a paintbrush and Happy Birthday written on it." Not only did she do what he wanted, but she made it look cute!

Tyler said, "Mom, I loved my cake. It was just what I wanted." We can't believe Tyler is 9. How quickly the year went...again!! Tyler is a great kid. Saturday Mammy and Grandpa took him to lunch and then we had a party at their house with all his cousins.

Aunt Michelle has a birthday in March as well, so we celebrated with her. She asked for brownies...yum.

Monday was Tyler's official birthday. He got a call from Chase and Savvy and enjoyed talking to them and we had cake and ice cream with Nana. Then, we gave him the choice of a family outing. His options: the Aquarium, the zoo, an airplane museum, or sledding. All I can say is he made the right choice!

We drove up to
Wrightwood and enjoyed a day in the snow. We had the best time. The boys had never been
sledding, but have asked if we can go again this week. The weather was just perfect. Although there was snow, it was nice and warm...well, until you went down the hill and got snow down your pants and in your socks. :)
I loved this picture of Monty and Trey. Trey didn't enjoy walking in the snow. He had to hold
someones hand whenever he walked. Understandable, as the first thing he saw was Monty fall on his behind!
Enjoying their first ride down a hill on a snow sled!

We were so proud of Trey for going down. One time he went down with me and Tyler and when I was screaming he said, "Mom, don't worry. It's fun." (Don't be fooled. He was scared when it was going fast.)

You can kind of tell, but on this
picture Tyler had fallen completely off the board and was just dragging behind it!
Happy 9th birthday Tyler. We love you. Thanks for being such a great kid and awesome oldest brother. We are blessed to have you!
That snow looks fun!! We have to take our kiddos before there is no more snow, hopefully it's not done yet. :)
Thanks for sharing your party with me Tyler! You're one awesome little man!!
Uh oh! I completely spaced his birthday! I guess I am getting old. I didn't even have it on my calendar. But PLEASE tell him that we hope he had a great birthday (even though I can see that he did!). What a great kid you have there. It's so fun watching him grow into such a mature man. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tyler!
What a FUN birthday! He's NINE!!!! Ten more years and we'll all be sitting in Sacrament Meeting singing "Called to Serve" with his name on the program! (better believe I will be there!) Time goes by so fast and so slow at the same time. I wonder how that happens?
You're such a good mom and have such great kids!
Love ya!
We all had a great time at his party! I can't believe how fast all the kids are growing up! I'm glad he liked the cake. Anytime you need a cake done let me know. i love to decorate them and come up with new ideas, and I don't get to a lot now that we are eating healthy!
Aaaawwww, I love the pictures of the boys coming down the hill. It looks like they had so much fun. The cake is awesome!! Wow he did turn 9 too fast it feels like his baptisms was not that long ago.
I can't wait until the girls are old enough to enjoy sledding. Happy Late Birthday Tyler from all of us here in Utah. We miss you guys!
What a fun day in the snow. Happy Birthday, Ty!
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