Saturday we were surprised to see
TJ and Dora walk into our house. We totally enjoyed their visit. It's always fun to get caught up and just sit around and laugh. Trey had plenty to say and sing to them. They even got to see his Buzz Lighyear Underwear. Dora loved
Makai. She kept saying, "He's so soft and squishy!" I must admit I love that about him too.

We tried to get a group shot before they left. All the boys agreed except for Trey. He was too busy making a plane with his books. He was so intent on making his plane to fly to Hawaii.

He played till he was all tuckered out.

Thanks for stopping by guys. We appreciate you spending time with us.
Ask Trey if I can hop that plane to Hawaii with him, if he ever gets it flying. I love all the books you have!
Trey is too hilarious. We miss you guys so much already. I wish I could have recorded him singing. Thanks for the pictures. That first one is not the business because it shows everyone my multiple chins but that's okay. It goes to show that Makai and I have something in I just wish that my thighs were as cute as his.... They're NOT.
Dora, you crack me up! You're too funny...and so pretty...wish I could have some of that hair!
Trey is adorable! I love his air plane!
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