And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
My grandma is down for a visit. It's her first trip to California since my wedding if I remember correctly...so that's been about 10 years! She's getting really old and her memory isn't as sharp as it use to be to say the least. She misses grandpa so much and repeats herself a lot, but she's still got a knack with the babies. She is so sweet with my boys and has taken to Makai. Makai had a great nap in her arms yesterday. I think she even dosed off for a while with him.
A few months ago my boys planted some radishes in my parents back yard. When they heard my grandma likes radishes they went and picked a few. She then told them how she liked to eat them as a little girl. They promptly went into the kitchen unbeknownst to her and made her a radish, bread, and butter sandwich. I must admit I got a great laugh as they asked her several times if the bread was toasted or not toasted, but she never heard them. They just kept looking at me confused when she didn't respond. I told them just to make it non-toasted. She found the gesture sweet although I don't think she ate it. I was so proud of the boys for being so thoughtful.

Sweet picture and sweet boys:)
Thanks Sis for posting this about Grandma. Last week Veronica and I looked at the few pictures we have of Chase with Granndma and Grandpa, and we got all emotional. These pictures are just priceless!!! Just imagine if you had a good picture of yourself with Grandpa Ed, or Great Grandpa James Edward Peterson. Your doing your boys a favor.
Love the picture! Do you think that maybe your Grandma would like to come nap with my baby when he's born???
You're boys are too sweet for making that sandwich...although it sounds gross to me. It's something they will always remember about her.
I forgot that she was coming down there! That's so awesome that you guys get to visit with her for awhile. What a great story about your boys! They're so cute!
This picture is priceless. I have a picture of grandpa holding brooklyn and i cry now everytime i look at it. Grandma does good with the little ones, brooklyn loved her when she visited texas and we were there. Your boys are so sweet....i love the radish story :)
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