Kids know what they are talking about!
Last week at my mom and dads house Trey told me he saw a pig. I thought he was just blowin smoke, but when I looked threw the fence sure enough...THERE WAS A PIG!! My parents new neighbors have a pig. He knew exactly what he was saying. I vowed after that to listen to kids and pay attention to what they say.
Shortly after Trey's party we were just hanging out as a family when Trey started going crazy.(I didn't mention that the night before his party Trey had a fever, so I started him on
Ibuprofen. During his party we had him on medicine and he was pretty
pleasant all things
considered.) We gave him one last dose and he was playing with some toys when all the sudden he started screaming about a spider on his foot. Monty went over to check if he could find anything, but no spider. A little while later he screamed out again...Spider!! Then the screaming began, "Spiders are crawling on my feet. Get them off!" We checked his feet for any signs of anything, but didn't see anything. After us trying to convince him there were no spiders and him trying to convince us there WERE spiders I put him in the tub. While in the tub he was fine and we were happy to have some quiet. However, the second I got him out he started screaming, "The spiders are back! Get them off." At this point we were more than frustrated. There is nothing worse than not being able to help your child when they are hurting. We weren't sure what was going on and thought maybe he was just overly tired, so I took him to his bad and told him a story. In the middle of the story he fell asleep. OH peace and quiet! But, when I tried to get my arm back he woke up and the whole "Spiders. Get them off of me!!" started again.
AHHHH. So...this continued till about 2am when he fell asleep for the night in our bed.
We thought it was over, but the first thing he said this morning was, "The Spiders are back. Get them off!" Monty and I just looked at each other like--what are we going to do? Then it dawned on me that maybe he was having an allergic reaction to something. We got him some
benadryl and wow...the spiders were gone.
The entire time he was trying to describe a feeling he was having in the only way he knew how. So, while in our minds we thought he might be going insane, he knew exactly what he was
talking about. (we still aren't sure what the cause was or why it manifested itself in his feet. Monty found that the ibuprofen expired last september, so maybe that was it, or maybe walnuts from his cake?) This much we do know...THANK HEAVEN FOR BENADRYL!!!