And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, May 21, 2010
One thing I learned when Monty was in the Air Force was that when he would leave the best thing to do to pass the time was to have a project. Well, the past two weeks he's been in Mississippi taking a class on fungus. When he left I decided my project would be fixing Trey and Kory's bed. Now-the picture looks as if I did nothing to the bed. However, if you'd of seen the 'before' picture you'd of seen a bright red, silver, and white painted bed. We got it from some friends and the mom painted it like a fire truck, but I prefer the natural wood. So, I spent hours scraping and scraping some more and then staining. It still needs another coat of polyurethane...which I'll get to one day. For now I'm just happy it's one color!:)
Kory wasn't thrilled with his bed when he first saw it. He said, "So mom...what color are you going to paint it?" Kyle said, "Mom Kory's bed looks really boring now."
Oh well...I guess I'm boring! I love the bed now. If we weren't moving in a few months I'd make curtains...but we are, so I won't!
You're a mom. I think we're boring by definition. I love the bed, and I can believe all the work you spent on it. We've refinished projects like that (but nothing that big!) and I know how long it takes. Way to go!
When the boys get older and they want "boring" furniture, I think you should tell them they need some color :) It looks great!
LOVE the bed! Thanks for posting pictures of it! You did a great job! You are so ambitious! It looks brand new now! Don't tell the lady who gave it to you....she might want it back!
I love Trey with the socks on his hands....but I am sure that to him they were not socks but boxing gloves or something like that!
A big project you took on. You’re awesome!! It looks very nice. I love the natural wood color.
I blew it. I was there and I didn't go look! Kristin, the bed is beautiful. You have another talent to add to the list. I KNOW how much work it was. Good for you!
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