And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, May 10, 2010
Yesterday was Mother's Day and all I can say is I'm so blessed to be a Mother. As a teenager I remember being worried I'd never have the chance to be a mom, but thankfully the Lord blessed me with this wonderful learning experience. After church Tyler offered to make lunch.
So I had a sweet lunch with my boys.
Today Tyler came into the room I was in with these beautiful hand crafted flowers and a card. Pretty clever. He even put candy at the bottom of the vase for us to enjoy(I realized from the candy that he knows where my stash is.:)
Kyle came home from school with this beautiful flower. (Nevermind that his teacher made it because he left school early Friday.) He was so proud to give it to me. He was hiding it when I picked him up.
Trey made this yesterday in nursery. In this picture he's saying "I Love You"!
And of course who wouldn't be so honored to be this little mans mom.
Looks like a great Mother's Day. Whata great mom you are!!
Happy Mother's Day to you! You are a fantastic mom, and you have five wonderful spirits to prove it. What sweet boys. You are pretty lucky. But I'd seriously think about moving your stash now :)
:) Your boys are so sweet! You are teaching them to be good husbands! They are going to pamper their wives on Mother's Day and their wives will LOVE you for it!
Hey, your boys really know how to appreciate their mom! Really cute!
Yeah you are blessed with 5 sweet boys:)
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