And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, May 10, 2010
Trey tends to be a little on the active side, but yesterday it got the better of him. Poor guy was jumpin on his bed and I decided to just let him have fun. Then all of the sudden I heard a LOUD 'thud'. Followed by a louder cry! I'm not always very sympathetic when my kids get hurt. I figure they are boys and I can't baby them for little falls, but this was no little fall. This was real. I ran to him and rocked him. As I rocked the goose egg began to grow. Kyle ran and got me some Ice and we quickly began to ice it.
I took him into the front room where the other boys were and started asking him questions. He was answering them all correctly but was still crying. I said, "Trey, it's going to be okay. I've got ya." He was saying something, but I couldn't make it out over the cry so I had him say it again. "I can't see the tv." Well, that was an easy fix. I held him while he watched tv and put ice on his face until he fell asleep for the night. I feel so blessed it wasn't worse.
This morning when he woke up he saw it for the first time and said, "Mom my head hurts!" I asked him if he remembered what happened and he said, "Yeah, I jumped on my bed and bonked my head!"(oh and that pen on his forhead is a Harry Potter scar)
Poor little monkey!! Those goose eggs are always scary!!
So, TV's the magic cure, huh? I hope that little guy feels better.
oh my goodness!!!!!! Yes, your head probably still hurts. poor guy!
Let this be a lesson to all kids who think their moms are mean for not letting them jump on the bed!
Ouch! I'm sure he loved all that wonderful sympathy!
I second Barbara..... In fact, I KNOW he loved all that sympathy. " I can't see the TV!" I was crackin up here at work. I need to stop reading your blog at work because I either laugh hysterically or cry like an
ouch...poor Trey:(
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