And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Random Happenings
Our house is always moving at about a million miles a minute. Now that Makai is on the move, life as I knew it is over! Thankfully, many of these miles are full of fun!
While walking home from school a few days ago Kyle found this feather. He came in so excited(Kyle really likes birds). We did some research and as far as we can tell we think it's a Swallow feather. We also found that having a swallow feather in your house is suppose to protect it against fire and being struck by lightening. After reading that I told him he could keep it!
The boys are always drawing, so Sunday I decided to take one of their books and draw with them. I was feeling really good about myself until...
I saw Tyler's! He drew this for Chase and Savvy. He said,"I drew it for Chase because I know Chase will like a meat eater. For all the other cousins I should draw plant eaters so they don't get scared." I need to get it in the mail.
Do I really need to explain why I posted this picture? Classic!
Did I mention Makai is always on the move?! The boy never stops! A few weeks ago he was up the stairs, in the toilet with half the toilet paper roll unrolled before I even knew he was gone! I've never used gates, but am thinking for him I might need to break down and get them(but I won't). Makai also got his third tooth. The top right tooth just broke through. He's growing up!!
What a great little artist you have there. That's one talented kid!
I guess I might have to consider finding a swallow feather -- oh wait, that's right. I'm the one who hopes my house will burn down!
I love your "buddies." They're so sweet. But I bet you have a lot of buddies around your house.
Great pictures! By the way, your drawing was pretty amazing, too. What is happening to those boys? They are getting bigger and bigger and more and more fun! Keep up the good job, Mom and Dad!
I love when you post photos of your boys.. they're so dang cute! Especially lovin' the one with Makaie and Trey sprawled out on the couch together. So great that they're friends!
Hey those pictures are pretty amazing! Mine would look like circles and lines I am more or a Picasso you could say :)
awesome artists!!! i draw stick people.
makai looks like he was really "in the zone"!
Oh...and i use gates! is that bad? It's the only way I can get ready when I have a baby that's on the move. I open the bathroom door, and put the gate up.
I know now where your boys get there drawing skills:) Chase is going to love your picture Tyler. Look at Maikai his chubby legs. Your boys are growing up to fast.
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