On Wednesday night our family left for a weekend at Disneyland. Monty promised Tyler he would take him to Disneyland if he finished Harry Potter. (He's not quite done, but pretty close and we had to take advantage of the few days in a row Monty had off because that doesn't happen often.) The first day didn't start off so hot. First off my camera wouldn't work. Royal bummer! Then, Kory is finally 40 inches tall so he could go on Star Tours...however, when we got there he chickened out. Monty and I were so frustrated with him because he just wouldn't trust us that he was going to be okay and love it!! Finally after trying everything we just decided to not force the issue anymore. However, shortly after leaving Monty came back with Kyle crying. Kyle kept saying his stomach hurt and he felt like he was going to
throw up. It was blazing hot so Monty just told the boys we were leaving. We left, went back to the hotel and hung out for a while.(By this time we knew Kyle was just being dramatic and wasn't sick). Then, while at dinner before going back to the park Kory said, "Yeah, I'll go on Star Tours. It will be fun." Hello?...what changed his mind I'll never know! We went back and HE LOVED IT!! ! We went on a few more rides and had a good night...well, except Kory cried before every ride asking over and over--"Is it scary?" He even screamed before Peter Pan which is like as
non-scary as a ride comes!!
Friday Disneyland was awesome! Kory went on "Soaring over California" and loved it! He cried but did it and even got a "Honorary Citizen of Disneyland" pin.
Trey played with his
stroller the entire time we waited.

Then Tyler went with me on California
Screamin'. I've always wanted to go, but couldn't because of being pregnant or the line was too long. However, on Friday the line was short, so he went with me. He was scared because he'd never done a loop...but he did great!! When we got off I asked him what he thought he said, "Well, I didn't throw up!" Then he went with Monty and they went on the first row!! MAJOR GUTS! He was not happy about it, but did it anyway. I was totally proud of him.

Poor Tyler, you can't even see him, but I swear...it was him! Fun father -son bonding!:)

Kyle went on one new ride...a small roller coaster at California Adventure. He cried the whole time. He hated the drops and said he thought he was going to throw up. I was however proud of him because he did try something new. So all three of the boys tried something new!! Good job boys!
Kyle being crazy.

On the way home my van started making a very similar sound to the sound it made a few months ago. The check engine light went on and Monty and I just looked at
each other with that look of...this is not happening. After about a minute Monty said, "Lets just drive this to a dealership and get a new van.(we knew there was no way the van was going to get us home as we were still a ways out) So, here is a picture of my new Honda Odyssey which I LOVE!!! It is so safe, so clean, so quiet, so awesome! Thanks Monty for taking such great care of us!;)