Each of the boys enjoyed the circus. I sat by Kyle and he said, "This is more amazing than it is funny." Interesting observation!
Kory watched in amazement!
Trey enjoyed everything--when on Betsy's lap...on mine he just wanted to walk up and down the stairs!
Tyler loved the snacks!

And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday the boys and I went to the Circus here in Paso. The boys were so excited they were dressed by 7:15am and the circus didn't start till 2:00! At about 9:00 we did go watch them put up the tent and pet a few of the animals. One thing we learned was they use the elephants to help put up the tent. Never knew that! Afterward we went to Target to get some circus snacks for the kids. (my friends idea...we got them circus cookies, circus peanuts, popcorn, juice. They each had their own bag and loved it!!)

Me, Carolyn, Cameron, Kyle, Tyler, Kory, Trey and Betsy! Trey preferred Betsy that day! I didn't mind. He was better for her than he was for me...plus I'd been up with him the night before till 2:30am...I enjoyed the break!
The circus was so much fun and I loved having Trey on my lap as he pointed and "grunted" at all the neat things! It was a fun day and we were dirty and bushed! Thanks for a great time!
HOW FUN!!!! That's amazing that the elephants help put the tents up. I thought they only did that in "Dumbo"! You look way cute too! I love your hair that way!
I was thinking the "Dumbo" thing too since that is a movie that gets played over and over right now in this house. :) Glad the boys had fun.
What a fun and good idea to bring along circus snack's.
Kyle is so right. They aren't really that funny. It is amazing what they can do though. Looks like you all had fun!
wow that's sounds like fun! I like the goodie bag idea!
Oh, I LOVED your swimming story from awhile ago. LOL, then Spencer had to read it too. You're so cute!
circus sounds fun. haven't done that with the kids yet. looks exciting!
That looks like it was a lot of fun. I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. the pictures really showed how much the kids were into it.
"More amazing than funny." that is too cute. :o)
It looked like it was a lot of fun!!!
OOH! i LOVED the circus when i was a kid..and circus peanuts are like one of my favorite candies, what a great day for your boys! Those pics are super cute and you look great by the way!! Glad it was fun!
Looks like you all had a great time! The girls are going to be so jealous.
We told them that we would take them to the circus but have been unable to find on close by in adavnce enough to buy tickets!
Looks like we'll have to keep looking!
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