And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Kyle's first loss!!
It finally happened--Kyle lost his first tooth! He wanted it to fall out on it's own, but it was so loose I was afraid he was going to swallow it. Anyway, I sat him down and pulled it out in half a second. When he saw me holding it he looked at me and then through his tears started laughing. He said, "I thought that was going to hurt, but it didn't." He hasn't stopped looking at his gap since(even for the picture I couldn't get him to look at me...he was looking at his reflection in the mirror). He still isn't ready to give it to the tooth fairy, but is hoping she'll come give him money anyway. I think her heart has softened and she just might show up! Congratulations Kyle!
Yea for Kyle and yea for a soft hearted tooth fairy! :)
What a little cutie...even with a gap in his teeth! :)
I must have a weak stomach, because I am so grossed out by the blood that you can see in his mouth! But way to go Kyle -- that's a good lesson to learn in life, that things usually aren't as bad as we think they're going to be.
Doesn't it feel GREAT to pull your kids tooth out!? I might be nuts...(ok...we all KNOW I AM....)
...That's awesome for Kyle that the tooth fairy had change of heart. What would she do with the tooth anyways!?
Now Chase is telling us that his teeth are loose. I think he's a little copycat. And I can't think of any other kids that I would rather have him copy. Way to go Kyle!! --From Tio
Congrats Kyle. Such a big moment! I wanna cry when my kids lose their teeth. It's like saying goodbye to young childhood. It changes their look so much with their big teeth. What a moment.
How long do you give him before he loses it?? If it were Isaac, probably before the end of the day. Maybe he has a special place for it?
WHAT A HUGE MILESTONE!!!! they aer growing up so fast! and i KNOW the tooth fairy is soft hearted because she is giving kids MUCH more money now than we got when we were little! :) he is cute!
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