And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
Primary Olympics
Yesterday was our ward Primary Olympics! The boys had a great time and thankfully a friend of mine(thanks Betsy) took pictures of the entire event! The first event was a horse race! Funny, we have had these horses at our house for years and the boys never touch them...take them to an activity and you would have thought they were their favorite toy!
Kory ran his little heart out in the Armies of Heleman 50 yard dash! I love how he is sticking his tongue out in this picture! I might also point out that he picked out his own outfit for the Olympics. He liked it because it was an athletic outfit and red, white, and blue!
One of the games was a balloon stomp! Kyle and Tyler said this one was their favorite! I was totally shocked because I remember a time when just the word balloon would make both of them cry because they had been traumatized by popped balloons! Obviously, they have grown out of that stage!
At the end each of the kids got a Gold Metal.
Now...I have to hand it to Trey--he was a total trooper through these entire Olympic games! It was SO HOT and he endured the heat like a true champion!(yes, that is sweat!)
Yes...I made the metals--all 30, I have several let over and let me tell you it was not fun throwing them away!
Looks like a fun time. As you learned about the horses, just box up some of their toys for awhile, and then bring them out and the kids will think it's Christmas getting all these "new" toys -- just rotate through them. Works great -- silly kids!
What a great primary activity!!! Now that I'm not in the primary I won't be able to do it, but I can still suggest it--I think greg calls that steadying the ark.
Dido Veronica! Great idea. I am in charge of Primary Activity Days in our ward. What other "events" did you guys do?
The kids are so cute!! i love your blog! i hope all is great with you and yours...just wanted to stop by and say hi! love the pictures...the boys have gotten so big!! your family is adorable! much alofa to you, monty and the little ones!
Your activity turned out so good! It really looks like everyone had a fun time. I wish I could get a closer look at those fabulously hand crafted gold medals!
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