And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Afternoon at the Park
Today was Monty's first day off in a week(he still had to go into work for about two hours, but he had most of the day off)so after school we took the boys to the park. It was such a fun time! Trey LOVE's balls, so he was in heaven!!
Monty ended up turning the afternoon into a football camp for the boys! It was a total crack up to see the boys reactions. Tyler worked at it for quite a while doing 'five and outs' and 'five and curls'.
After trying and trying for quite a while with no success and then getting hit in the head he wasn't having the greatest time.
It was time for a dad pep talk. Monty told him, "This ball is yours!" Tyler then took a rest for a while.
Kyle took his turn and missed a few times, but once Monty said, "Whoever catches the ball gets a milkshake!"...
Kyle held on to the ball with all his might!! Yeah Kyle!
Next was Kory...
Way to go dad!!!
Glad you guys had a good time ALL together! :)
What a great time! That's awesome that you were able to capture it on camera!
Football stars in the making. LOL You guys have some of the cutest boys out there!!! Emjae is going to have to fight off all those stupid girls!!
We were just sitting here cracking up. I can totally picture Monty hitting the boys in the head and trying not to laugh. I love the story....
♥TJ & Dora Salanoa
cute pics, i want to see a picture of mom showin' them how it is done!!! I will be excited to watch your boys play college football someday when they are all as big as monty!
Great pictures! What a great way to spend a day. I love days like that. It seems the kids remember those days the most!
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