Last, but not least was Tyler! Monday after school I took the boys to the costume store to try and help Tyler come up with what he wanted to be. Tyler takes a little bit after me and has trouble making decisions. He has to think and think and think and think before he can settle on anything. We couldn't find anything that he liked and I pretty worried. I gave him a few suggestions, but he wasn't sold on any of them. Finally, for some reason when we went down the party aisle he saw a dog tag and said, "I think I'll be an army guy like Kyle." We bought some army paint for their faces and he told me, "Mom...I just want mine green." So tonight I painted Kyle's face first. After painting Kyle's face Tyler said, "Mom, maybe you can put a few small spots of brown, but I want most of it green." I went ahead and let him be particular because I'm trying to be a better mom and not get frustrated by personality issues. Anyway, while I was painting his face(taking orders) he made me laugh when he said, "Mom, you know why I decided to put a few spots on the green?" After asking why he said, "Because I remember yesterday when I wouldn't spray my hair orange you told me to live a little. Besides, before long I might be doing this for my own son." Yeah, maybe I should have added to the whole live a little to BE LITTLE! Anyway, I was glad he 'lived a little'. Later when I was washing his face he told me he was glad he did it because it was a once in a lifetime experience. So serious! After the party we took one last picture. They were both sad to have to take their makeup off.
The boys with their loot.
Poor Trey, came home and went to sleep. He really isn't feeling well, but loved the idea of Halloween. He says 'trick or treat' so cute. This was the first year he really got the whole idea. I loved seeing his eyes after the first person he said 'trick or treat' to. You could just tell he was thinking...jackpot! Why didn't someone teach me this earlier! Hope you feel better soon buddy!!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween 2009!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Crazy Hair Day!!
Today at Tyler and Kyle's school it's crazy hair day! First let me explain that last year I didn't pay attention to when Crazy Hair Day was and cut Kyle's hair the day before. To Kyle this was the end of the world. I felt so bad and promised him this year he could do whatever he wanted for crazy hair day. Well, because it's not too long he was worried about another bummer year, so yesterday Kory and I went and found some hair color(thankfully they planned it around Halloween). Kyle was so excited this morning! He loved having his hair stick up--and spraying it orange was icing on the cake!(He's is our son who askes rather often if I can spike his hair, oh and make it yellow at the top. Thankfully it's still so fine I can usually get away with tell him it won't work and it's too dark to bleach like the skaters do. AHH. I'm hoping allowing him to have fun on crazy hair day will maybe get it out of his system? Hey, a mom can wish right.) Tyler is very different from Kyle. His hair is so thick it could spike in a heart beat, but he's very adimit about it laying down perfectly. We spend so much time trying to get it to lay down to his approval. Go figure. Today he wanted nothing to do with color, but he did want it to stick up. I was glad he'd do something.
Surprisingly just as excited about crazy hair day as Kyle was Kory! Maybe even more so. Last night Kory got out of bed after we'd put them in bed and said, "Mom, when is it going to be morning?" Thinking it was a strange question I told him, "After you sleep--it will be morning." Then he said, "What do you think I'll look like with orange hair?" I had to smile.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering...Trey wanted NOTHING to do with crazy hair day! The blow dryer was freaking him out.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering...Trey wanted NOTHING to do with crazy hair day! The blow dryer was freaking him out.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dr. Mom
Tuesdays are the days the boys and I usually got over to my parents to spend the afternoon/evening. When we arrived my mom had a little gift waiting for me! I thought it was so sweet. Some Kleenex(with lotion), pomegranate juice, vitamin c tablets, Emergen-C Health and Energy booster and a few of my favorite things--Jelly belly's and Chocolate truffles. Such a thoughtful gift. She also warned me I better not forget it because my dad had been eyeing it all day!:) Sorry Dad, there was no way I was going to forget that prescription. Anyway, it was so sweet and a gentle reminder to me that we all need to be treated with some TLC. I know Tyler would agree I need to learn from my mom as he stayed home from school on Monday because he said he wasn't feeling good and in order to get out of his room I made him mop the kitchen floor. So mean. I guess I'll have to share some of my....vitamin c with him. Thanks mom.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Kory's 5!!
Today is Kory's 5th birthday! We can't believe how fast he is growing. This is the first picture ever taken of Kory! In fact...this is the first time I saw him(well besides a few seconds before they took him away). Because he was born three weeks early, and in Cheyenne, he had to go to the NICU for a couple days. He was delivered c-section due to his acrobatics in the womb. While I was recovering in one room, he was in another. However, the family that was watching Tyler and Kyle came to the hospital and took this picture for me so I could see our little man!! I remember just crying because I wanted to hold him. A few hours later I was allowed to get up and go see him. He was so small and helpless(our smallest at 5lbs. 14 oz), but he made it here safe and sound.
And look at him today! 5 years later!! He's full of personality! Such a sweetheart!! He wants to be a chef when he grows up and loves to help me cook. I enjoy that time we have together. We LOVE his big brown eyes, cute little dimple, and hysterical giggle! Kory has a quiet side, but when he thinks something is funny and gets the giggles one can't help but smile. It's such an innocent fun sound!
Sunday night my mom planned a party for him with all the Peterson side of the family. He told Mammy he wanted a "chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, lemon, everything cake." I wondered what she was going to do, but she pulled it off and he LOVED it! He got all kinds of gifts from his cousins/aunt/uncles/mammy/grandpa and LOVES everyone of them. Thanks everyone! Today, Monty and I took him out to lunch and tonight we are going to Dave and Busters for a few arcade games. Afterward Nana is bring home pizza and a cake. We sure love you Kory! Happy 5th birthday!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
30th week
Mt. Baldy
This weekend Monty went with the scouts on an overnighter up to Mt. Baldy. After returning home he told the boys he wanted to take them. Mt. Baldy is not far from our house at all and the hike is really pretty with a fun little creek. We packed a lunch and headed out. Along the trail we found a community of lady bugs. I've never seen so many lady bugs in my entire life. Bushes and bushes full of them.
The older boys had a blast collecting lady bugs.
Trey on the other hand wasn't too thrilled. Upon being told by his brothers that he had one on him--he freaked out!!
He preferred just being silly!
For lunch we found a cozy spot by the stream and ate. Not 5 minutes into it Kyle fell in. We knew if anyone was to fall in, it would be Kyle! He's such a water boy and so adventurous. I have to hand it to him though. Although the water was freezing, and his pants, socks and shoes were soaked clear through he didn't complain one bit! He was a trooper! We had a wonderful few hours in the mountains.
Just a few pictures of our little men! We love them so much! 

Friday, October 16, 2009
Trey...he's a joy!
So, it's been a while since I've blogged anything. I chalk it up to being pregnant, moving and the heat! However, I'm starting to feel bad that I'm not documenting life right now so I thought I'd start with Trey...who is so full of energy and personality. One positive aspect of the move is we now have a bath! For a year Trey has had to take showers and let me tell you he's SCREAMED through each and every one of them. Now however, he is a happy camper. He loves taking baths and ASKS for one everyday.
Just a few cute stories: The other night on the way to the track we were talking about possible baby names. Monty was naming names like "Thor. Magnus. Spiderman." All of the sudden Trey says, "How about...Bumblebee. No, No, Optimus Prime!" We all got a good laugh.
Wednesday I had a doctors appointment. I decided to take Kory and Trey with me so they could hear the heartbeat. Trey thinks he has baby in his belly too. He's so cute when he walks around saying, "See my baby mom." He pushes out his stomach and arches his back. Then he says, "No, babies don't have babies. Girls have babies." I know he still doesn't get it, and probably won't till the baby comes, but he tries. Anyway, I was worried about how he'd be at the doctor, but he was great. He even talked to the doctor(unlike Kory who just rolled his eyes at her). When the doctor asked what was in my stomach and suggested it was a baby he promptly said, "No, it's Koa".(Koa is the name the boys have been calling the baby) Then when I lied on the table he said, "Mommy, you sick mom?" I told him no and then he said, "Mom, are you cozy?" During the entire appointment he kept making sure I was cozy. After the appointment we went to the Library. While going up and down the stairs he held my hand and repeated over and over, "Mom, don't be scared mom. It be okay mom." He was protecting me. I found it so charming. On the way home he fell asleep, so I had to get a picture of my 2year old who finds it his job to take care of me. No wonder he was tired--that is a huge responsibility.
Another funny thing about Trey now is he HAS to have his shoes on! First thing in the morning he brings his shoes! In fact, a few weeks ago I had to explain to him that no one sleeps with shoes just to get him to take them off for bed! He wears them all day. I think so if we go anywhere he'll always be ready.
Wednesday I had a doctors appointment. I decided to take Kory and Trey with me so they could hear the heartbeat. Trey thinks he has baby in his belly too. He's so cute when he walks around saying, "See my baby mom." He pushes out his stomach and arches his back. Then he says, "No, babies don't have babies. Girls have babies." I know he still doesn't get it, and probably won't till the baby comes, but he tries. Anyway, I was worried about how he'd be at the doctor, but he was great. He even talked to the doctor(unlike Kory who just rolled his eyes at her). When the doctor asked what was in my stomach and suggested it was a baby he promptly said, "No, it's Koa".(Koa is the name the boys have been calling the baby) Then when I lied on the table he said, "Mommy, you sick mom?" I told him no and then he said, "Mom, are you cozy?" During the entire appointment he kept making sure I was cozy. After the appointment we went to the Library. While going up and down the stairs he held my hand and repeated over and over, "Mom, don't be scared mom. It be okay mom." He was protecting me. I found it so charming. On the way home he fell asleep, so I had to get a picture of my 2year old who finds it his job to take care of me. No wonder he was tired--that is a huge responsibility.