Wednesday I had a doctors appointment. I decided to take Kory and Trey with me so they could hear the heartbeat. Trey thinks he has baby in his belly too. He's so cute when he walks around saying, "See my baby mom." He pushes out his stomach and arches his back. Then he says, "No, babies don't have babies. Girls have babies." I know he still doesn't get it, and probably won't till the baby comes, but he tries. Anyway, I was worried about how he'd be at the doctor, but he was great. He even talked to the doctor(unlike Kory who just rolled his eyes at her). When the doctor asked what was in my stomach and suggested it was a baby he promptly said, "No, it's Koa".(Koa is the name the boys have been calling the baby) Then when I lied on the table he said, "Mommy, you sick mom?" I told him no and then he said, "Mom, are you cozy?" During the entire appointment he kept making sure I was cozy. After the appointment we went to the Library. While going up and down the stairs he held my hand and repeated over and over, "Mom, don't be scared mom. It be okay mom." He was protecting me. I found it so charming. On the way home he fell asleep, so I had to get a picture of my 2year old who finds it his job to take care of me. No wonder he was tired--that is a huge responsibility.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, October 16, 2009
Trey...he's a joy!
So, it's been a while since I've blogged anything. I chalk it up to being pregnant, moving and the heat! However, I'm starting to feel bad that I'm not documenting life right now so I thought I'd start with Trey...who is so full of energy and personality. One positive aspect of the move is we now have a bath! For a year Trey has had to take showers and let me tell you he's SCREAMED through each and every one of them. Now however, he is a happy camper. He loves taking baths and ASKS for one everyday.
Just a few cute stories: The other night on the way to the track we were talking about possible baby names. Monty was naming names like "Thor. Magnus. Spiderman." All of the sudden Trey says, "How about...Bumblebee. No, No, Optimus Prime!" We all got a good laugh.
Wednesday I had a doctors appointment. I decided to take Kory and Trey with me so they could hear the heartbeat. Trey thinks he has baby in his belly too. He's so cute when he walks around saying, "See my baby mom." He pushes out his stomach and arches his back. Then he says, "No, babies don't have babies. Girls have babies." I know he still doesn't get it, and probably won't till the baby comes, but he tries. Anyway, I was worried about how he'd be at the doctor, but he was great. He even talked to the doctor(unlike Kory who just rolled his eyes at her). When the doctor asked what was in my stomach and suggested it was a baby he promptly said, "No, it's Koa".(Koa is the name the boys have been calling the baby) Then when I lied on the table he said, "Mommy, you sick mom?" I told him no and then he said, "Mom, are you cozy?" During the entire appointment he kept making sure I was cozy. After the appointment we went to the Library. While going up and down the stairs he held my hand and repeated over and over, "Mom, don't be scared mom. It be okay mom." He was protecting me. I found it so charming. On the way home he fell asleep, so I had to get a picture of my 2year old who finds it his job to take care of me. No wonder he was tired--that is a huge responsibility.
Another funny thing about Trey now is he HAS to have his shoes on! First thing in the morning he brings his shoes! In fact, a few weeks ago I had to explain to him that no one sleeps with shoes just to get him to take them off for bed! He wears them all day. I think so if we go anywhere he'll always be ready.
Wednesday I had a doctors appointment. I decided to take Kory and Trey with me so they could hear the heartbeat. Trey thinks he has baby in his belly too. He's so cute when he walks around saying, "See my baby mom." He pushes out his stomach and arches his back. Then he says, "No, babies don't have babies. Girls have babies." I know he still doesn't get it, and probably won't till the baby comes, but he tries. Anyway, I was worried about how he'd be at the doctor, but he was great. He even talked to the doctor(unlike Kory who just rolled his eyes at her). When the doctor asked what was in my stomach and suggested it was a baby he promptly said, "No, it's Koa".(Koa is the name the boys have been calling the baby) Then when I lied on the table he said, "Mommy, you sick mom?" I told him no and then he said, "Mom, are you cozy?" During the entire appointment he kept making sure I was cozy. After the appointment we went to the Library. While going up and down the stairs he held my hand and repeated over and over, "Mom, don't be scared mom. It be okay mom." He was protecting me. I found it so charming. On the way home he fell asleep, so I had to get a picture of my 2year old who finds it his job to take care of me. No wonder he was tired--that is a huge responsibility.
I vote for Bumblebee :) I can't believe there's a child you WANTS to have his shoes on. Wow, that must be nice, especially when you're trying to go somewhere. Yeah, I have the child who gets all the way to school before she realizes she left her shoes home! I envy you.
:) I'd love to hear Trey say, "Optimus Prime"! That's hilarious!
That's so cute that he's so attentive to you...and he's only two! Let's hope he doesn't grow out of it!
I absolutely love you guys. I love reading the different stories about the boys. They are sooooo cute. I love that Trey is such a little warrior and I could picture Kory just sitting there rolling his eyes. He was probably thinking, "Ugh, can I go home a take a bath now?" Love ya lots.
P.S. Trey, aunty's still waiting for you to wash her baby...lmbo... ***priceless***
His sweet! He knows how to take care of his mom.
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