Sunday night my mom planned a party for him with all the Peterson side of the family. He told Mammy he wanted a "chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, lemon, everything cake." I wondered what she was going to do, but she pulled it off and he LOVED it! He got all kinds of gifts from his cousins/aunt/uncles/mammy/grandpa and LOVES everyone of them. Thanks everyone! Today, Monty and I took him out to lunch and tonight we are going to Dave and Busters for a few arcade games. Afterward Nana is bring home pizza and a cake. We sure love you Kory! Happy 5th birthday!!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Friday, October 23, 2009
Kory's 5!!
Today is Kory's 5th birthday! We can't believe how fast he is growing. This is the first picture ever taken of Kory! In fact...this is the first time I saw him(well besides a few seconds before they took him away). Because he was born three weeks early, and in Cheyenne, he had to go to the NICU for a couple days. He was delivered c-section due to his acrobatics in the womb. While I was recovering in one room, he was in another. However, the family that was watching Tyler and Kyle came to the hospital and took this picture for me so I could see our little man!! I remember just crying because I wanted to hold him. A few hours later I was allowed to get up and go see him. He was so small and helpless(our smallest at 5lbs. 14 oz), but he made it here safe and sound.
And look at him today! 5 years later!! He's full of personality! Such a sweetheart!! He wants to be a chef when he grows up and loves to help me cook. I enjoy that time we have together. We LOVE his big brown eyes, cute little dimple, and hysterical giggle! Kory has a quiet side, but when he thinks something is funny and gets the giggles one can't help but smile. It's such an innocent fun sound!
Happy Birthday, Kory! We love you!
Hey...where's the first picture!? I wanna see Kory as a baby!
He seems to be having a great time celebrating his special day! :)
Happy 5th KORY!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Kory! What a fun day. I love birthdays. Your mom did a great job with the cake -- it looks so fun. A chef, huh? That's what Sophie wants to be! Well, a "baker" as she says. She is so funny about it. I should post about that sometime, it's really cute. Enjoy your pizza :)
Happy birthday Kory. That Patrol Cap sure looks good on you! You're looking like an Army Airborne Ranger.
Happy birthday (a day late) Kory!! We love you so much and also love your big brown eyes!! Hope you had a great day!!
He was just a cute little (white) baby! How much did he weigh? I forget.
Happy belated birthday Kory!
-Sorry we didn't get are phone call in yesterday. How fun he gets to celebrate his birthday with all his brothers and whole family.
OMG... I had to do a double take on that last photo because I thought it was a throw-back picture of you and your brothers. I seriously thought that was you in the floral top and one of your brothers in front of the cake...
Happy birthday, Kory. Now I guess you're almost six! Time sure flies. I remember when you were a quiet baby. When you decided to make noise, though, you were the loudest baby I ever heard. Really. I sure love you!
Happy 5th birthday Kory. I hope I meet you one day.
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