Tuesdays are the days the boys and I usually got over to my parents to spend the afternoon/evening. When we arrived my mom had a little gift waiting for me! I thought it was so sweet. Some Kleenex(with lotion), pomegranate juice, vitamin c tablets, Emergen-C Health and Energy booster and a few of my favorite things--Jelly belly's and Chocolate truffles. Such a thoughtful gift. She also warned me I better not forget it because my dad had been eyeing it all day!:) Sorry Dad, there was no way I was going to forget that prescription. Anyway, it was so sweet and a gentle reminder to me that we all need to be treated with some TLC. I know Tyler would agree I need to learn from my mom as he stayed home from school on Monday because he said he wasn't feeling good and in order to get out of his room I made him mop the kitchen floor. So mean. I guess I'll have to share some of my....vitamin c with him. Thanks mom.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dr. Mom
Tuesdays are the days the boys and I usually got over to my parents to spend the afternoon/evening. When we arrived my mom had a little gift waiting for me! I thought it was so sweet. Some Kleenex(with lotion), pomegranate juice, vitamin c tablets, Emergen-C Health and Energy booster and a few of my favorite things--Jelly belly's and Chocolate truffles. Such a thoughtful gift. She also warned me I better not forget it because my dad had been eyeing it all day!:) Sorry Dad, there was no way I was going to forget that prescription. Anyway, it was so sweet and a gentle reminder to me that we all need to be treated with some TLC. I know Tyler would agree I need to learn from my mom as he stayed home from school on Monday because he said he wasn't feeling good and in order to get out of his room I made him mop the kitchen floor. So mean. I guess I'll have to share some of my....vitamin c with him. Thanks mom.
What a sweet mom you have! I bet you felt so loved!
Haha! You are a mean mom. ;-) But that was so sweet of your mom to do that for you!
Your mom is the best. And you are a GREAT mom! Mopping the floor? I hadn't thought of that. My dear Chloe TRIED to get sick last week -- and it worked. I just made her sit in her room; no tv, no computer. It didn't work too well, but geez, we don't want our kids thinking that getting sick is FUN!
WHAT! You haven't told me that you are sick! I could have given you some sympathy at least!
You have the most awesome mom ever! That's the best perscription I ever saw!
Okay...and I still love the Tyler had to mop the floor to get out of his room. If he wasn't too sick to do that then...I'd say he wasn't too sick! But...hey I could be wrong! You better give him some of that Vit. C just in case!
Yep, you're a lucky gal...Tyler on the other hand???? LOL
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