Oh, and if anyone is wondering...Trey wanted NOTHING to do with crazy hair day! The blow dryer was freaking him out.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Friday, October 30, 2009
Crazy Hair Day!!
Today at Tyler and Kyle's school it's crazy hair day! First let me explain that last year I didn't pay attention to when Crazy Hair Day was and cut Kyle's hair the day before. To Kyle this was the end of the world. I felt so bad and promised him this year he could do whatever he wanted for crazy hair day. Well, because it's not too long he was worried about another bummer year, so yesterday Kory and I went and found some hair color(thankfully they planned it around Halloween). Kyle was so excited this morning! He loved having his hair stick up--and spraying it orange was icing on the cake!(He's is our son who askes rather often if I can spike his hair, oh and make it yellow at the top. Thankfully it's still so fine I can usually get away with tell him it won't work and it's too dark to bleach like the skaters do. AHH. I'm hoping allowing him to have fun on crazy hair day will maybe get it out of his system? Hey, a mom can wish right.) Tyler is very different from Kyle. His hair is so thick it could spike in a heart beat, but he's very adimit about it laying down perfectly. We spend so much time trying to get it to lay down to his approval. Go figure. Today he wanted nothing to do with color, but he did want it to stick up. I was glad he'd do something.
Surprisingly just as excited about crazy hair day as Kyle was Kory! Maybe even more so. Last night Kory got out of bed after we'd put them in bed and said, "Mom, when is it going to be morning?" Thinking it was a strange question I told him, "After you sleep--it will be morning." Then he said, "What do you think I'll look like with orange hair?" I had to smile.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering...Trey wanted NOTHING to do with crazy hair day! The blow dryer was freaking him out.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering...Trey wanted NOTHING to do with crazy hair day! The blow dryer was freaking him out.
Love it!!!
Too Cute... Amazing how little things like a crazy hairstyle can make their day. If only a crazy hair day had the same effect for me.
Love the orange hair! I saw a kindergartener at my kids school who had blonde highlights in his hair (and NOT for Halloween). I thought, "seriously, a parent did this to their child!" But I guess there are kids who ask for it :) Hopefully this gets it out of his system, but if not there are worse things. My husband will have nothing to do with dying his hair, but it could do him some good :) Silly boys.
I love the orange hair! :)...and that Tyler "lived a little" and let his look messy. He and Kaitlyn would get along great! They could talk about how their hair has to be perfect or else they freak out. It could be theraputic! Kaitlyn's hair always gets SUPER staticy in the winter and I have no idea how to control that. Nothings works...and so THAT makes doing her hair even more fun for mom. Needless to say...she's wearing LOTS of pony and pig tails!
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