And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010
This year Tyler knew he wanted to be Harry Potter. After all, he already had the glasses. Kyle wanted to be a character from Harry Potter, but a member of the Ravenclaw house. The members of the Ravenclaw house are chosen based on their intelligence and cleverness. Their symbol is also an eagle which Kyle loves. He found this stick one day while on a hike and sanded it down to be his magic wand. It was great. They got to wear their Halloween costumes the last hour of school too and loved that.
Trey was suppose to be batman, which he was that morning at Kory's Kindergarten party, but then decided he wanted to be this duck. Tyler picked this duck out when he was 2 . Monty and I love it, but since than we haven't gotten any of our other boys to use it. Kyle was way to cool and so was with Trey I didn't even try! It was all his idea and let me tell you he was a lot happier in the duck costume. He was walking around 'quacking'. Go figure.
Kory's favorite part of Halloween were these glasses. He wore them all night.
Makai loved himself this Halloween. All 5 boys have now worn this Gorilla. We bought it for Tyler's first Halloween and it worked just as good for Makai. I always love my little Gorilla.
Makai fell in love with this Holiday! He had his first lolly pop and went to town!!
Oh, and Trey's choice of a new costume won him "Silliest Costume" at the ward Halloween Party! It was so cute to watch him go up and get it. The back end of this costume is one you really have to see to appreciate.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Heleman 5:12
We were so proud of Kory tonight at family night we made him do the scripture over. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Kory is officially 6 yrs old! Lucky boy his birthday fell on a Saturday this year! We had planned to go to the Butterfly pavilion, but didn't feel like driving to Denver, so we tried to convince him to go to Estes Park and play in the snow. Well, we convinced him, but when we got to Estes Park there was no snow!! Royal bummer. Kory didn't complain one bit and so because of that we decided to just drive down to Denver and go to the Pavilion.
It has all kinds of insects. One of the fun things you can do there is hold this tarantula named Rosie. Kory was really scared, but he did it. We were so proud.
A beautiful butterfly.
Monty's got skills!
After the pavilion we were so close to Invesco Field we decided to pay it a visit to surprise Kory. He was one happy boy!
Happy Birthday big man!! Can't believe you're really 6!
After Denver we drove home for some cake. Kory helped me make it last night. He knew just what he wanted. A vanilla cake with lime jello and key lime frosting. He's full of hot air!
Oh, and I just had to add this picture of Makai because you can see his new top tooth.
A fun day was had by all, but I think it's bedtime!! Love you Kory!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
No School--fun breakfast!
The boys had Thursday and Friday off of school because of Parent Teacher Conferences. I went to see all their teachers on Thursday and they are all doing just great. We are proud of their work. Friday they wanted to make breakfast.
Trey didn't want to crack his egg. He even named it Egwin and was carrying it around. I forget how I finally convinced him to crack it, but he did. He even ate it!
Tyler made muffins for the first time all by himself. It was so sweet. So, he preheated the oven to 400, like he was suppose to. Then he made the muffins batter, put them in the pan and into the oven. Everything seems to be going perfect. I made the eggs the boys had cracked earlier to go with the muffins, but when the the timer dung and went to get the muffins out they didn't look cooked. It was then that I noticed the oven was off. I asked Tyler, "When did you turn that off?" He said, "When it beeped." Poor kid. He didn't know that the beep just meant the oven was ready. So, we turned it back on and cooked them for just a little bit more and all was good. However, when we took them out Tyler screamed, "I forgot to put eggs in it!" Live and learn. I must say...muffins without eggs are actually pretty tasty!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A Hiking We Will Go!
Saturday Morning we didn't really have any set plans, so we decided to go for a hike. We love our town because we can drive 10minutes and find trails. We took about a three hour and 45minute hike! The boys did great! Trey had some melt downs on the way home dropping to the ground exclaiming that his legs hurt. However, thankfully after a prayer he got a second wind. Oh, and for the record I carried Makai in the backpack for the first leg of the hike and if I didn't drop a dress size I was robbed!
This was taken right before lunch. I told everyone they had to smile or I got their sandwich!:) Can you tell these guys were hungry.
Makai loved lunch! I think he ate about 100grapes!
Speaking of 100, Kyle brought home about 100 rocks. The kid has this new interest in rocks. A REAL geologist came and talked to his class at school this week and he came home using all kinds of geologist lingo. Anyway, he found this fossil of a shell. He also found some rose quarts which I actually think is pretty, however how I'm going to make the other 95 disappear without him knowing is going to be tricky!
This was taken right before lunch. I told everyone they had to smile or I got their sandwich!:) Can you tell these guys were hungry.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Random Happenings
Our house is always moving at about a million miles a minute. Now that Makai is on the move, life as I knew it is over! Thankfully, many of these miles are full of fun!
While walking home from school a few days ago Kyle found this feather. He came in so excited(Kyle really likes birds). We did some research and as far as we can tell we think it's a Swallow feather. We also found that having a swallow feather in your house is suppose to protect it against fire and being struck by lightening. After reading that I told him he could keep it!
The boys are always drawing, so Sunday I decided to take one of their books and draw with them. I was feeling really good about myself until...
I saw Tyler's! He drew this for Chase and Savvy. He said,"I drew it for Chase because I know Chase will like a meat eater. For all the other cousins I should draw plant eaters so they don't get scared." I need to get it in the mail.
Do I really need to explain why I posted this picture? Classic!
Did I mention Makai is always on the move?! The boy never stops! A few weeks ago he was up the stairs, in the toilet with half the toilet paper roll unrolled before I even knew he was gone! I've never used gates, but am thinking for him I might need to break down and get them(but I won't). Makai also got his third tooth. The top right tooth just broke through. He's growing up!!