And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010
This year Tyler knew he wanted to be Harry Potter. After all, he already had the glasses. Kyle wanted to be a character from Harry Potter, but a member of the Ravenclaw house. The members of the Ravenclaw house are chosen based on their intelligence and cleverness. Their symbol is also an eagle which Kyle loves. He found this stick one day while on a hike and sanded it down to be his magic wand. It was great. They got to wear their Halloween costumes the last hour of school too and loved that.
Trey was suppose to be batman, which he was that morning at Kory's Kindergarten party, but then decided he wanted to be this duck. Tyler picked this duck out when he was 2 . Monty and I love it, but since than we haven't gotten any of our other boys to use it. Kyle was way to cool and so was with Trey I didn't even try! It was all his idea and let me tell you he was a lot happier in the duck costume. He was walking around 'quacking'. Go figure.
Kory's favorite part of Halloween were these glasses. He wore them all night.
Makai loved himself this Halloween. All 5 boys have now worn this Gorilla. We bought it for Tyler's first Halloween and it worked just as good for Makai. I always love my little Gorilla.
Makai fell in love with this Holiday! He had his first lolly pop and went to town!!
Oh, and Trey's choice of a new costume won him "Silliest Costume" at the ward Halloween Party! It was so cute to watch him go up and get it. The back end of this costume is one you really have to see to appreciate.
Oh Makia is so cute! That's how I feel about my chocolate! "Get your own THIS is mine!" Oh....side raked thought.....have you tried the new mint chocolate chip Extra gum? DO! It's gooood! are fast doing a halloween post!
I love the costumes! You kind of lost me there with the details of Kyles. I need to read those books...or better the movies!
I meant side tracked.....
Happy belated Halloween to you guys! Love the costumes -- especially the duck. I can see your manly boys not exactly falling for that, but I'm sure they'd be so cute in it -- as Trey was! I didn't even take pictures on Halloween. I was feeling a little lame that day, but luckily I had taken some earlier that I can post (when I get around to that) :)
I think that duck costume is the cutest thing I've ever seen! I would love to put one of my boys in that someday, but I'm not sure Jared would go for it. Apparently we can only have manly costumes for our boys. Which, if it was up to him, would only be army guys. *sighs*
the video made me smile..funny!! The chicken costume is cute and Trey's pose is great:)
Great costumes. Everyone looked so happy in his own costume. I can't even decide which one was cutest. They just matched each boy. Darling!
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