And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Monday, October 18, 2010
No School--fun breakfast!
The boys had Thursday and Friday off of school because of Parent Teacher Conferences. I went to see all their teachers on Thursday and they are all doing just great. We are proud of their work. Friday they wanted to make breakfast.
Trey didn't want to crack his egg. He even named it Egwin and was carrying it around. I forget how I finally convinced him to crack it, but he did. He even ate it!
Tyler made muffins for the first time all by himself. It was so sweet. So, he preheated the oven to 400, like he was suppose to. Then he made the muffins batter, put them in the pan and into the oven. Everything seems to be going perfect. I made the eggs the boys had cracked earlier to go with the muffins, but when the the timer dung and went to get the muffins out they didn't look cooked. It was then that I noticed the oven was off. I asked Tyler, "When did you turn that off?" He said, "When it beeped." Poor kid. He didn't know that the beep just meant the oven was ready. So, we turned it back on and cooked them for just a little bit more and all was good. However, when we took them out Tyler screamed, "I forgot to put eggs in it!" Live and learn. I must say...muffins without eggs are actually pretty tasty!
Tyler, you might have invented a new way to make muffins! It's a little complicated though. Hope you enjoyed your days off!
Yay... you have 4 chefs:)
How fun! It must be so fun that your kids are at the age when they can do stuff like this. I love that Trey named his egg! He's super cute!
And congrats on having good parent teacher conferences!
How fun... Your boys are so great... And Ty looks so grown in this photo.
:) So...I made chocolate chip banana bread a few weeks ago. I was feeling so proud and tasted good...but was kindda cumbly. Turns out eggs help to hold stuff together when you bake! I totally forgot the eggs too Tyler and I have been cooking/baking for a LONG time! OH! And a few weeks ago I totally put 2 table spoons of baking soda into the pancake batter instead of baking powder. Talk about gross! My kids were eating it and not saying a thing and then when I took a bite I was like, "What is WRONG with these!" Sometimes you get side track and think you know what's supposed to go into a recipe...and really what you need to do is just follow the recipe! Hey! That could be a metaphor for life! The scriptures are our recipe! kids are in here using the word "freakin" over and over...better go set them straight!
I'm glad to hear your kids had the day off for P/T conf. Those are necessary! The schools around here had the same days off, only it was for some darn teacher union day that makes me fume! But that aside, your kids are so cute! That Tyler is sure looking grown up. And tell him if he can eat muffins without eggs, he's well on his way to becoming a vegan :) hehehe.
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