And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Kory is officially 6 yrs old! Lucky boy his birthday fell on a Saturday this year! We had planned to go to the Butterfly pavilion, but didn't feel like driving to Denver, so we tried to convince him to go to Estes Park and play in the snow. Well, we convinced him, but when we got to Estes Park there was no snow!! Royal bummer. Kory didn't complain one bit and so because of that we decided to just drive down to Denver and go to the Pavilion.
It has all kinds of insects. One of the fun things you can do there is hold this tarantula named Rosie. Kory was really scared, but he did it. We were so proud.
A beautiful butterfly.
Monty's got skills!
After the pavilion we were so close to Invesco Field we decided to pay it a visit to surprise Kory. He was one happy boy!
Happy Birthday big man!! Can't believe you're really 6!
After Denver we drove home for some cake. Kory helped me make it last night. He knew just what he wanted. A vanilla cake with lime jello and key lime frosting. He's full of hot air!
Oh, and I just had to add this picture of Makai because you can see his new top tooth.
A fun day was had by all, but I think it's bedtime!! Love you Kory!!
Happy Birthday Kory!!The Butterfly pavilion looks so much fun!! YOu can see Makai's front teeth really well in this picture..cute smile!!
Happy birthday Kory...we love you!!! Looks like a fun day!
Happy B-day Kory!
Monty looks like he's the "butterfly whisperer"...they really look like they're having a "moment" there!...just kidding!
Your cake looks good! :) and out how you use that tooth buddy! No biting allowed!
What a great way to celebrate. I love the picture with the praying mantis-- so Salanoa! And I'm so pressed after that fun-filled day you were even able to blog about it that night. You are Supermom!
Happy birthday Kory. Looks like you had a great 6th birthday with all those fun things you did with your family. Thanks Kristin for all the beautiful pictures.
Ooooh Makai,cute as ever...
Happy Birthday, Kory. Looks like you had some background help blowing out the candles. The butterfly pavilion looks really cool, even though it has some CREEPY spiders. You are too brave.
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