And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spray Sunscreen
The other day Tyler made this little puppet with a marker. I was a little upset, but decided to just laugh and let him enjoy.
Shortly after, I left the room and went into the kitchen to make some Macaroni and Cheese for the boys. Well, when I walked back in I found Kory drawing on himself--a little more than a little face!!
We went to the bathroom and scrubbed and scrubbed, but it wasn't working. We decided to just go have lunch and take a picture for posterity sake!!
Needless to say I learned something new and thought I'd share. How did I finally get it off you're wondering? I looked on the Internet and someone claimed that if you use 'spray sunscreen' on the marker and allow it to sit, you can scrub it off with success! Believe it or not it worked!
Trey wouldn't stop till I took his picture. He saw me taking pictures of Tyler and Kory's hand and wouldn't rest till I took a picture of his hands. So funny!! Might I add...Trey is a talking machine!! He talks all day long and always gets his point across. How quickly he went from saying one word to speaking in complete sentences!! For example, Wednesday he walked into my room put his arms up and said, "I Buzz Lightyear, I come in peace!" Such a fun age.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Name: Eduardo
Birthplace: Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Favorite movie: The Dark Night
Favorite song: "Vivir sin aire" by Mana
Favorite pastime: Justing hanging around.
Favorite drink: A cold lemonade with a pinch of virgin pina colada.
Favorite food: Protein style burger from IN-N-OUT with a neopolitan shake and fries-animal style.
Favorite show: Seinfeld re-runs
Pet Peave: Spam email
Saturday, March 21, 2009

SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT: These statements are not a reflection of the opinion of the original author of this blog but merely suggests an opinion of an interested and passionate contributor.
-Your wife begins to stay out late at night and says she’s going ‘shopping’.
-She wants to book a family vacation to Forks, Washington.
-You find your wife gnawing on a piece of raw steak.
-She begins to call you ‘Edward’.
-You find her hanging upside-down on your ceiling.
-She wants a “piggy back” ride all the time.
-At night she nags you about giving you a hickey.
-When she leaves for the night to go 'shopping', cancel your credit card.
-When you find out about the vacation to Forks, WA buy her a one way ticket.
-If you find your wife gnawing on a piece of raw steak, pause and then proceed to hurl.
-If she calls you ‘Edward’ call her ‘Angelina’.
-If you find her hanging upside down on the ceiling tell her to replace the light bulb in the ceiling fan while she's up there.
-If she wants a “piggy back” ride remind her that you are not a beast of burden.
-If she nags you about a hickey, let her do it.
DISCLAIMER: This is in no way, shape, or form a reflection of the beliefs of the author of this blog. Contributors to this blog are exempt of any and all consequences that may result from the actions of any family members who decides to implement any one of these recommended treatments. As mentioned previously, a consultation with your family physician and maybe even your spiritual leader will be necessary to remedy any one of these ailments.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fun Times
Today was Kyle's day to go out with Mammy. She didn't think of taking the kids out for their birthdays until after Kyle's birthday, so he went today. He picked Taco Bell too. He was so excited for the occasion he even combed his own hair and brought me the hair spray. After Taco Bell they went to DQ and got milk shakes. Mammy came home and said Kyle was so fun! He talked the whole time about all kinds of games, animals, patterns. Thanks Mammy for making Kyle feel so special.
Last night at Cub Scouts Tyler got to paint a bird house. Kyle painted one as well and they let Kory bring one home, so today I got out out the paints for him. Tonight was Relief Society and I signed up to make a casserole, so I left him to paint his bird house while I cooked just around the corner. I put little dabs of paint out for him to pick from. I kept asking him how he was doing and he kept responding that he was great. When I came over for the first time I noticed a LOT more paint on his plate than I'd put on it!! I think I could have painted the entire house with how much paint he'd put on his plate. Although my initial reaction was to be a little upset I realized the only person I could be upset with was myself for leaving the paints out, so I just laughed. He was innocent. Since he had so much paint I just let him paint...and paint and paint. He sat at that chair for about and hour and a half just painting his birdhouse over and over and over! I don't think the dang thing is ever going to dry their are so many layers of paint on it, but Kory had so much fun. Precious!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tyler's 8!
Today was Tyler's 8th birthday. Monty and I still can't believe he's really 8! He's really grown into an incredible young man. We look forward to his baptism in a few weeks and are so proud of his decision to go forward in faith and be baptized. I've truly grown to believe that 8 is a special age in which children are truly accountable. I love that being baptized is his decision. Wednesday he'll also begin scouts.
On Friday my mom took him out to lunch. Of all places he chose Taco Bell. I guess he ate two double stuffed beef burritos, four cups of soda and an earthquake brownie dessert from DQ. Then she took him to get a gift of his choice. Of course he picked out a video game. I guess that's more proof he's an 8 yr old boy. Right after he got home from a nice afternoon with Mammy, Monty's mom took him out and he got to pick something else. He picked this Lego set and spent the next 2 days working on it. It was about 930pieces!! Monty and I doubted him at first, but I guess Nana knew better. He loved every minute of making it.
Tonight we celebrated with Brownies and Ice Cream!
Tomorrow he's celebrating with his Peterson cousins at a monthly FHE. I'd say he made out pretty good. He also got a sweet card from his friend Chloe. Thanks to everyone for all you do for Tyler. Congrats Tyler. We love you!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hide and Sleep!
Wednesday the boys played all morning with Chase. One of the activities they initiated was making their very own spaceship. They had a 'blast'!! Wednesday night I came out of my room to put the boys to bed and found Kory had already put himself to sleep.
Trey kept walking around saying, "Mom, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" The next morning when Tyler and Kyle tried to tell Kory he fell asleep in the spaceship he totally didn't believe them because of course he woke up in his bed. Luckily we had pictures of prove it! Kory you're a true space ranger.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Gift from Danny
Monty's brother Danny is in prison and so the boys have only met him once, but they love him. We try to write him when we get a chance. Their latest letters included pictures. Danny really enjoyed them because it gave him some insight into who they are and what they like. In return he sent them this. He's been working on it for a while. He did an amazing job! I still can't figure out how he did it. It's on a piece of cloth, but whether he colored it with markers or paint I don't know. It's done to perfection!! I can only imagine how long he spent on it.
He drew Tyler as a Dragon because Tyler drew a dragon on the letter he wrote him. He drew Kyle as Sponge Bob and since the only picture he had was the picture Kyle had drawn for him he asked around until he found a picture of Sponge Bob. He said he's never actually seen the cartoon. He drew Trey as a Bear because in every picture he's seen of Trey he looks like a big bear. Finally he drew Kory as Yoda because although he couldn't make out Kory's picture exactly he finally decided it was Yoda. He couldn't of been more 'right on' if he'd seen the boys everyday!! This was a very special gift and the boys hung it in their room. We are going to see him this weekend, so the boys are excited to thank him! Thanks Danny...this was a great gift!
Yesterday we went to Disneyland as a family. It was a super day for several reason. First of all...we took the stroller. Man did that rock! Trey and Kory were so content riding along. Usually Monty carries Trey and Kory complains that his legs hurt, but we hated the hassle of a stroller. However, yesterday we took it and felt that the benefits were worth any hassle!! Live and learn! Second...we finally got Trey a picture with Mickey!! He gave Mickey a high five!!

This trip to Disneyland was particularly fun because Trey knows some of the characters now. One of his favorite...BUZZ!! He was so cute with this ride. He just kept saying..."Buzz, to infinity and beyond!" He absolutely loved the Buzz ride and Toy Story Mania! Oh...I must also mention the other day when the boys were watching Toy Story in the car Kyle blurted out. "Woody is emotional!" Monty and I cracked up at the comment because it's true, but he said it in such a perfect way.
Tyler, Kyle and Kory in Toon Town enjoying prison!! Lets hope this is the only bars they ever see!!
Trey enjoying a tortilla from the tortilla factory! Man they are so good hot an fresh!
Each of the boys were great yesterday. Kyle even did Splash mountain and Kory did Thunder Mountain! This was hard for both of them, but they did it and enjoyed themselves. Tyler, Kyle and Kory have now done every ride at Disneyland! Tyler has done every ride at California Adventure, except one(The Maliboomer). He's got me beat! I don't want to do tower of terror!! I was so glad I was pregnant when he went on that one! Anyway...we are so thankful for days we get to spend just as a family and enjoy watching each of the boys enjoy themselves in their own way.

This trip to Disneyland was particularly fun because Trey knows some of the characters now. One of his favorite...BUZZ!! He was so cute with this ride. He just kept saying..."Buzz, to infinity and beyond!" He absolutely loved the Buzz ride and Toy Story Mania! Oh...I must also mention the other day when the boys were watching Toy Story in the car Kyle blurted out. "Woody is emotional!" Monty and I cracked up at the comment because it's true, but he said it in such a perfect way.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Today was the first day of spring break and to celebrate Monty took the day off and we went to the Long Beach Aquarium. The day couldn't have been more fun. Our boys love the aquarium and get so excited seeing all that is offered. They soak it up I guess you could say!
One of our favorite locations is the touch pool! Kyle never hesitates to swim with the sharks and sting rays in the touch pool!
Notice his sleeves!! got worse!! He was in heaven! I thought his shirt was appropriate today..."I do all my own stunts!"
Trey wasn't so excited about touching the rays. The sheer thought of it sent him to his 'happy place'. We know when Trey is uncomfortable his puts his right thumb in his mouth and his left hand on his belly button. Why? We have no idea, but it's so cute.
Monty thought it would be fun for the boys to get to know the birds on a more personal level, so he got them each some nectar. Tyler and Kyle loved it!!
Kory started off excited, but ended up not so excited. It was so sad. He held out his cup, but when the bird landed on him it was a little more than he could handle and he spilled all his nectar. Poor guy. I didn't know how I was going to get him over it, but then this happened.
Yeah...saved by the bird!! When this bird landed on Kyle's head we all had a great laugh!!
Monty being one with nature!
One of my favorite parts in the Aquarium is this tunnel full of tropical fish. I wanted to get this photo with Trey so I called his name. He turned around and said, "Cheese!"
Andy and Nikki!
The whole family!!:) Wow..what a handsome family!
Saturday my youngest brother got married in the Redlands temple! I totally love his new wife Nikki!! I couldn't imagine a more wonderful woman for him!! They seem really happy together and I'm excited to watch them begin their new journey together. Their wedding was beautiful in every way!! I love the temple ceremony. Thanks for letting us be a part of your special day.
We love you guys!
We love you guys!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Honor Roll!!
This morning was the end of second semester awards assembly at Smith Elementary! As I dropped the boys off at school today Kyle's parting words were, "Mom, I can't wait for my assembly today!" We knew Tyler was getting a Honor Roll Award because his teacher told us, but we weren't sure about Kyle, we just knew he was getting an award. When his teacher read his name for Honor Roll we were so proud!! The boys were all smiles while Trey, Kory and I clapped out little hearts out for them. In order to get on Honor roll they each had to have all A's and P's in every subject, as well as all '+' marks under each character trait on their report card. Tyler and Kyle we are so proud of you!! Looks like we're taking a trip to Dairy Queen tonight! Keep up the great work!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Good thing he's got a great memory!
Yesterday Trey impressed me! I had to use my phone to make a few phone calls just before putting Trey down for his nap. While Trey napped I did the much as I possibly could get done without having to lug him around. When he woke up he said, "Mom, a phone!" as he pointed to my bookcase. I took what he said with a grain of salt until I tried to find my phone about 10 minutes later. I searched and searched, but no luck. I couldn't find the dang thing anywhere, so as a final resort I went to Trey partially thinking I was waisting my time, but figuring it couldn't hurt. Anyway, I walked up to him and said, "Trey, do you know where my phone is?" His response, "Yeah mom!" To which I replied, "Will you get it for me." His Reply, "Sure!" He immediately stopped what he was doing walked into my room, opened my bookcase, reached into the back and pulled out my cell phone. I laughed and thanked him to which he responded with a simple, "You're welcome!" The entire incident cracked me up because he acted so big. He obviously put my phone there when I wasn't looking. I'm just glad he has a good enough memory to remember where he put it! I love you Trey. You're growing up so fast!!