And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fun Times
Today was Kyle's day to go out with Mammy. She didn't think of taking the kids out for their birthdays until after Kyle's birthday, so he went today. He picked Taco Bell too. He was so excited for the occasion he even combed his own hair and brought me the hair spray. After Taco Bell they went to DQ and got milk shakes. Mammy came home and said Kyle was so fun! He talked the whole time about all kinds of games, animals, patterns. Thanks Mammy for making Kyle feel so special.
Last night at Cub Scouts Tyler got to paint a bird house. Kyle painted one as well and they let Kory bring one home, so today I got out out the paints for him. Tonight was Relief Society and I signed up to make a casserole, so I left him to paint his bird house while I cooked just around the corner. I put little dabs of paint out for him to pick from. I kept asking him how he was doing and he kept responding that he was great. When I came over for the first time I noticed a LOT more paint on his plate than I'd put on it!! I think I could have painted the entire house with how much paint he'd put on his plate. Although my initial reaction was to be a little upset I realized the only person I could be upset with was myself for leaving the paints out, so I just laughed. He was innocent. Since he had so much paint I just let him paint...and paint and paint. He sat at that chair for about and hour and a half just painting his birdhouse over and over and over! I don't think the dang thing is ever going to dry their are so many layers of paint on it, but Kory had so much fun. Precious!
It is so great that you can be so close to grandparents. It makes all the difference.
:) Cute birdhouses!
Taco Bell...(mmmm) me and your boys would get along great!
That reminded me for some you remember the night we ate a 1/2 pound of Baker's french fries!?
Awww.... your mom is so awesome... Now I know where you get it from.... You are both GREAT MOTHERS!!!
What a FUN project!
That's so sweet of your mom to do things with your kids. That's the kind of grandma I hope to be -- not that there's any rush!
I love Kory's birdhouse! I want to start a collection of them, so maybe I can get him to paint me one :)
You are a very charming date! And very handsome, too. And Kory. Do you do walls? I love you guys.
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