And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spray Sunscreen
The other day Tyler made this little puppet with a marker. I was a little upset, but decided to just laugh and let him enjoy.
Shortly after, I left the room and went into the kitchen to make some Macaroni and Cheese for the boys. Well, when I walked back in I found Kory drawing on himself--a little more than a little face!!
We went to the bathroom and scrubbed and scrubbed, but it wasn't working. We decided to just go have lunch and take a picture for posterity sake!!
Needless to say I learned something new and thought I'd share. How did I finally get it off you're wondering? I looked on the Internet and someone claimed that if you use 'spray sunscreen' on the marker and allow it to sit, you can scrub it off with success! Believe it or not it worked!
Trey wouldn't stop till I took his picture. He saw me taking pictures of Tyler and Kory's hand and wouldn't rest till I took a picture of his hands. So funny!! Might I add...Trey is a talking machine!! He talks all day long and always gets his point across. How quickly he went from saying one word to speaking in complete sentences!! For example, Wednesday he walked into my room put his arms up and said, "I Buzz Lightyear, I come in peace!" Such a fun age.
Thanks for the tip! I'll have to remember it. I only buy washable markers, which have always come off very well, but the other day Chloe saw her friend who was in a play and had "drawn" makeup on her face. So Chloe found a PERMANENT marker to make her own makeup! That was sure cute. BTW: I miss your mac and cheese! And I miss having lunch with you.
I hope I can remember the sunscreen tip when my boys decide to draw on themselves (which I'm sure will happen one day).
I can't believe Trey is big enough to be saying he's buzz lightyear and he comes in peace. Wasn't he just born? :)
Thanks for the laugh! I love Trey! I love that funny stage!
Thanks for sharing the sunscreen idea!!! :)
I will have to remember the sunscreen trick. I'm sure I will need it one day...sadly!
it's irrisistable. been there!
oh the joys of having boys! i will write that one down because i know i will need it sooner than later..B loves to draw on herself..already...scary...
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