And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tyler's 8!
Today was Tyler's 8th birthday. Monty and I still can't believe he's really 8! He's really grown into an incredible young man. We look forward to his baptism in a few weeks and are so proud of his decision to go forward in faith and be baptized. I've truly grown to believe that 8 is a special age in which children are truly accountable. I love that being baptized is his decision. Wednesday he'll also begin scouts.
On Friday my mom took him out to lunch. Of all places he chose Taco Bell. I guess he ate two double stuffed beef burritos, four cups of soda and an earthquake brownie dessert from DQ. Then she took him to get a gift of his choice. Of course he picked out a video game. I guess that's more proof he's an 8 yr old boy. Right after he got home from a nice afternoon with Mammy, Monty's mom took him out and he got to pick something else. He picked this Lego set and spent the next 2 days working on it. It was about 930pieces!! Monty and I doubted him at first, but I guess Nana knew better. He loved every minute of making it.
Tonight we celebrated with Brownies and Ice Cream!
Tomorrow he's celebrating with his Peterson cousins at a monthly FHE. I'd say he made out pretty good. He also got a sweet card from his friend Chloe. Thanks to everyone for all you do for Tyler. Congrats Tyler. We love you!
Happy birthday Tyler!!! We are so proud of you and and the awesome young man that you are, we love you a ton. Can't wait to celebrate your special day tonight!!
Happy Birthday, Ty! I'm glad you got Chloe's card in time. She made it early in the week, and I forgot to mail it for her, so I was a little scared it wouldn't make it in time. Looks like you made out pretty good! What a fun day.
How is it possible? I really don't know where their little childhoods went. I feel a little paniced that I'm almost half done with LIndsay in the house. And maybe more than half done where she will listen to me. We will be waiting for baptism pictures. It is such a specail day. Happy Birthday Tyler!
Tyler is going to be an engineer...that's my prediction anyways. What a patient kid! I would have NEVER been able to finish that Lego thing he built! I am totally amazed!
Love you guys!
can't believe his is 8!! where is life going!?! he is darn cute though..
Happy Birthday, Tyler. You're a cannibal now! I love you so much!
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