And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Gift from Danny
Monty's brother Danny is in prison and so the boys have only met him once, but they love him. We try to write him when we get a chance. Their latest letters included pictures. Danny really enjoyed them because it gave him some insight into who they are and what they like. In return he sent them this. He's been working on it for a while. He did an amazing job! I still can't figure out how he did it. It's on a piece of cloth, but whether he colored it with markers or paint I don't know. It's done to perfection!! I can only imagine how long he spent on it.
He drew Tyler as a Dragon because Tyler drew a dragon on the letter he wrote him. He drew Kyle as Sponge Bob and since the only picture he had was the picture Kyle had drawn for him he asked around until he found a picture of Sponge Bob. He said he's never actually seen the cartoon. He drew Trey as a Bear because in every picture he's seen of Trey he looks like a big bear. Finally he drew Kory as Yoda because although he couldn't make out Kory's picture exactly he finally decided it was Yoda. He couldn't of been more 'right on' if he'd seen the boys everyday!! This was a very special gift and the boys hung it in their room. We are going to see him this weekend, so the boys are excited to thank him! Thanks Danny...this was a great gift!
That is amazing...what a special girt. You should frame it!! :)
OMG... that is sooo nice.
That is awesome. I love it!!!! I like the bear!!
How cool is that!? Has he (Danny) always been good at art?
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