And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Thursday, March 5, 2009
Honor Roll!!
This morning was the end of second semester awards assembly at Smith Elementary! As I dropped the boys off at school today Kyle's parting words were, "Mom, I can't wait for my assembly today!" We knew Tyler was getting a Honor Roll Award because his teacher told us, but we weren't sure about Kyle, we just knew he was getting an award. When his teacher read his name for Honor Roll we were so proud!! The boys were all smiles while Trey, Kory and I clapped out little hearts out for them. In order to get on Honor roll they each had to have all A's and P's in every subject, as well as all '+' marks under each character trait on their report card. Tyler and Kyle we are so proud of you!! Looks like we're taking a trip to Dairy Queen tonight! Keep up the great work!!
I want to go to Dairy Queen! But I don't know about these schools. I never hear anything good about CA schools, but they're doing much better than our school. No honor roll here. Sounds like you have some higher expectations than we do. Good job, boys! I'm proud of you too.
Great job some ice cream for your Auntie!!
Great job Tyler and Kyle! You guys are awesome!
Way to go!! So--what did you get at Diary Queen? Good grades pay off at the Salanoa house! I love you.
SO CUTE! they deserve TWO scoops for that..
Way to go boys!
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