We love the zoo. It was a wonderful day and we can't wait to go again.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, June 21, 2010
Marci asked us to watched the girls one day last week. We found out that Mammy and Grandpop were going to the zoo, so we called and asked if we could just keep them for the whole day. Then we joined Mammy and Grandpop and had a wonderful time.
We decided to let the kids direct our path! We managed to see most of the park. Some of it a few times actually:).
Mia reminded me of myself as a girl. She didn't consider it a real trip to the zoo until she saw a real monkey. Little did she realize that even before we entered we had a few monkey's on our hands.
Each of the boys have their favorite animal to see at the zoo. Well, in Kory's case he has an unfavorite!
the flamingos.
Kyle wasn't happy till he saw his turtles. This boy loves turtles!
Tyler has always loved the...
Koala Bear
Trey reminded me of the...
Rhino! He was a pain in the rear the whole day! Granted he got sick the next day, so I think he was fighting a cold that day. He was NOT much fun. However, we still love him.
I would have to say Monty would be the...
Alpha Male!:) My personal favorite!
Makai would get the award for...
Lion of the day. Laying around and being lazy, but a beast when awake. 
We love the zoo. It was a wonderful day and we can't wait to go again.
We love the zoo. It was a wonderful day and we can't wait to go again.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Eyeball Anyone?!
Living with Nana can sometimes be an adventure! Every once in a while I'll come into the kitchen and find these guys hanging out in my sink! To be honest before living here I wasn't the biggest 'fish' fan in the world.
However, I must say with the right fish, and the right preparation...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cake anyone?!
Today was Makai's half birthday and for each of the boys we've celebrated their first half birthday with half a cake!
We had to hold his hand while we sang 'Happy Half Birthday to you'
He was a little timid when he first dug in. I wasn't sure if he's actually try to eat or if he's just grab at the cake.
However, it didn't take him long and before long...
He was covered and in baby HEAVEN!!
Afterward he got a nice bath.
We can't believe you're six months old baby Makai...we LOVE you SO much!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
End of another school year...
The boys did a great job in school this year! We are so proud of them. Tyler and Kyle were both awarded the Presidential Honor Roll Award for receiving Principles Honor Roll all year. They also both received an award at the Writing Celebration. Kyle won a gold metal for his 1st grade story and Tyler won a bronze metal for his 3rd grade story.
Kyle loved his teacher this year, Mrs Estrada. When I asked the boys if they were excited about summer vacation Kyle said, "Well, I am, but I'm going to miss my teacher." Isn't that sweet.
After school we took them to Dave and Busters to play some games to reward them for a job well done. Kory beat Kyle in Air Hockey, and Kyle was a great sport! Kyle helped Trey bowl which was nice because if he hadn't we might still be there, and Tyler won two 100 grand candy bars and gave me one!;) We played a family round of 'Deal or No Deal' and with one box left we chickened out and took the 104 tickets only to find out we had the winning box all along and could have gotten 200 tickets. I guess as a family we aren't risk takers! Afterward we got some ice cream to finish out a fun afternoon. Once again boys--great job this year!! Keep up the GREAT work.
Monday, June 14, 2010
If I've told you once...
Sometimes, it doesn't matter how many time you tell them, they still have to try it. In this case Trey was sorry really quick!
I'm sure some parents might think it was mean to take pictures before untangling him, but I needed it for teaching purposes in the future.
Dad got him out and he learned it's not good to play in the cords of the blinds. Now he knows it's not just talk.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Super TREY!!
For his birthday Uncle Ryan and Auntie Lizeth got Trey a card that had this mask in it. It was obviously a hit. I think he thought he was king of the world as he wore his batman pj's and iron man mask. This turned him into the incredible SUPER TREY!
Trey is a one of a kind kid. Lately we've loved hearing him increase in his vocabulary. A few days ago he told Monty, "Dad you make my heart feel so happy." A few days later he told me, "Mom you make my heart feel so mad," when I didn't abide by his wish to have candy before dinner. Unfortunately for him, that's okay with me if he's mad at me. I think it's cool the way he tries to explain feelings.
Another fun use of words, or seeing life through a 3 year old point of view, was when he told Monty he knew how to make Jello. Last week while at my moms house, Trey wasn't feeling so well, and wanted some Jello. We got out a box of Jello and made it. He told Monty, "Dad, I know how to make Jello. You get water and then you poor in the sand and crack in the ice and then mix and mix with a spanking spoon. " HA!
He's growing up!
Makai is getting bigger with each passing day. It's hard for me to believe he's almost half a year old, but like they say...time flies when you're havin fun...or are too busy to notice. Lately he has started to scoot backwards. He always starts out happy,
But ends up not so happy. I think he gets frustrated because he ends up farther away from his intended target. Understandable!!
One of his favorite things to do is play in his walker. He doesn't last a long time in it, but he'll usually sit in it for a good 10minutes or maybe 20 on a good day.
He tends to enjoys it a little longer when someone is playing with him while he's in it.
Of course, his favorite new thing about being big is food. We just started him on a few solids...well not really solids, more like goop, but something besides milk. Notice him grabbing Nana's hand to force her to feed him! She was so excited to feed him. She's been waiting for this moment since he was born. Apparently, so has he.