Living with Nana can sometimes be an adventure! Every once in a while I'll come into the kitchen and find these guys hanging out in my sink! To be honest before living here I wasn't the biggest 'fish' fan in the world.

However, I must say with the right fish, and the right preparation...

... it's actually pretty good.

I'm still not a fan of the head area. There is even one part of the fish Monty won't even touch...the eyeball! After having fish last week we dared any of the boys to eat a fish eyeball and guess who rose to the
occasion? Yep...none other than our 'brave' Kyle!

Yes...I watched him. He ate the eyeball...for $10! Kyle you are the man!
Oh yuck. I think Kory will make a great boy scout....
...enjoy the $10 bud!
So-was it delicious? I've heard great things about fish eyeballs. . .
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