And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
End of another school year...
The boys did a great job in school this year! We are so proud of them. Tyler and Kyle were both awarded the Presidential Honor Roll Award for receiving Principles Honor Roll all year. They also both received an award at the Writing Celebration. Kyle won a gold metal for his 1st grade story and Tyler won a bronze metal for his 3rd grade story.
Kyle loved his teacher this year, Mrs Estrada. When I asked the boys if they were excited about summer vacation Kyle said, "Well, I am, but I'm going to miss my teacher." Isn't that sweet.
After school we took them to Dave and Busters to play some games to reward them for a job well done. Kory beat Kyle in Air Hockey, and Kyle was a great sport! Kyle helped Trey bowl which was nice because if he hadn't we might still be there, and Tyler won two 100 grand candy bars and gave me one!;) We played a family round of 'Deal or No Deal' and with one box left we chickened out and took the 104 tickets only to find out we had the winning box all along and could have gotten 200 tickets. I guess as a family we aren't risk takers! Afterward we got some ice cream to finish out a fun afternoon. Once again boys--great job this year!! Keep up the GREAT work.
1 comment:
Good job boys!!!!
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