And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Saturday, June 5, 2010
He's growing up!
Makai is getting bigger with each passing day. It's hard for me to believe he's almost half a year old, but like they say...time flies when you're havin fun...or are too busy to notice. Lately he has started to scoot backwards. He always starts out happy,
But ends up not so happy. I think he gets frustrated because he ends up farther away from his intended target. Understandable!!
One of his favorite things to do is play in his walker. He doesn't last a long time in it, but he'll usually sit in it for a good 10minutes or maybe 20 on a good day.
He tends to enjoys it a little longer when someone is playing with him while he's in it.
Of course, his favorite new thing about being big is food. We just started him on a few solids...well not really solids, more like goop, but something besides milk. Notice him grabbing Nana's hand to force her to feed him! She was so excited to feed him. She's been waiting for this moment since he was born. Apparently, so has he.
Wow he has gotten so big fast. He's not a new born anymore. Can’t believe it myself:) Oh I love getting to see pictures of him. Did he lose his curls?
Really....I don't think I could crawl forward with those thighs! :) (I mean that know I love me a chubby baby!)...maybe a little more time in the walker will help slim them down...then he can move them forward instead of them pulling him back! j/k!
He is so cute and I really which I could reach through the computer and give him a big squeeze!
typo alert....I meant WISH...not which
Oh man, that boy is pure chub. I love it! I cannot get over how cute his legs are, and I just want to squeeze 'em. I wonder why chubby baby legs invoke such warm feelings?
He's adorable and I can't believe how big he is!
I love his ability to crawl backwards--just like Dustin used to!
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