And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cake anyone?!
Today was Makai's half birthday and for each of the boys we've celebrated their first half birthday with half a cake!
We had to hold his hand while we sang 'Happy Half Birthday to you'
He was a little timid when he first dug in. I wasn't sure if he's actually try to eat or if he's just grab at the cake.
However, it didn't take him long and before long...
He was covered and in baby HEAVEN!!
Afterward he got a nice bath.
We can't believe you're six months old baby Makai...we LOVE you SO much!!
You had me scared there, for a minute. I thought, "it can NOT possibly be his birthday already!" Glad I'm not totally crazy! I love the last two pictures-- the contrast from a complete mess to all clean in the tub. And I love Makai's expression in the tub. So cute!
You're the best mom! :) He is so cute!
Somehow I missed this blog. What a great chocolate picture. Usually I hate them, but somehow this one was cute. So was the bath afterwards. Happy half birthday, Makai!
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