And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Saturday, June 5, 2010
Super TREY!!
For his birthday Uncle Ryan and Auntie Lizeth got Trey a card that had this mask in it. It was obviously a hit. I think he thought he was king of the world as he wore his batman pj's and iron man mask. This turned him into the incredible SUPER TREY!
Trey is a one of a kind kid. Lately we've loved hearing him increase in his vocabulary. A few days ago he told Monty, "Dad you make my heart feel so happy." A few days later he told me, "Mom you make my heart feel so mad," when I didn't abide by his wish to have candy before dinner. Unfortunately for him, that's okay with me if he's mad at me. I think it's cool the way he tries to explain feelings.
Another fun use of words, or seeing life through a 3 year old point of view, was when he told Monty he knew how to make Jello. Last week while at my moms house, Trey wasn't feeling so well, and wanted some Jello. We got out a box of Jello and made it. He told Monty, "Dad, I know how to make Jello. You get water and then you poor in the sand and crack in the ice and then mix and mix with a spanking spoon. " HA!
Awesome pictures of super Trey:)
I love the part about the 'spanking spoon! :)
I think all your kids are super heroes, in one way or another. I'm also glad to hear that you think doing what's right for your kids is more important than them liking you. It's tough, but someone's got to take care of them.
I think he knows how to make Jello better than I do! What a cute story. And great pics of Super Trey as well!
I've never heard a better explanation of how to make jello! That kid has a future!
i have to be honest...seeing pictures of your CUTE kids just makes me smile!!!! These boys are amazing!!! hhahaha....
hmmm. what's this a spanking spoon?
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