And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Yesterday we were driving in the car and Tyler was talking to Trey and said, "Trey aren't you excited for your birthday next month!" Hearing that totally threw me for a loop! Trey turns one a month from today! How in the world did that happen? I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast! Saturday he crawled upstairs found a cozy spot and feel asleep. When I came upstairs to find him this is what I saw! Priceless! I love this little man! 
Later that night he fell asleep with Dad. Now that he is always on the go...when he's ready to sleep--he's out!!
Tyler always has an activity he's working on. He made this several days ago and won't eat it. Every morning Kory takes a piece off and when Tyler gets home from school he gets the peanut butter and crackers back out and adds the piece back. I think it's cute, but I'm getting a little tired of having it on my table! I took a picture in hopes that he will eat it today after school!

Love those pics of Trey. Too bad Christian never crashes out like that! :) Tyler the builder...maybe one day he will build me a fabulous house.
That cute little kid look ginormous on the ground there. Those are super cute pictures. I love the tower built by Tyler. Did he come up with that on his own? I think it is awesome. I want to make one myself now.
love ya
Chase's says what a cool castle Tyle.
I was looking at the pictures of Trey on this post and Addie said "Can I see it?" I held her up and she said, "That's a hamdsome boy!" My thoughts exactly! I remember when I was asking you every week if you were dialated yet...and now he's turning one! Time flies!
The girls have been inspired from Tyler's tower! We had to go get chocolate icing and candy so they can make their own graham cracker houses!
I can't believe he is going to have his birthday already! that is hard to believe. what a sweety! I always wished one of my kids would suck their thumbs
i have decided that trey needs to be in a catalog or a commercial or something...look at those cheeks!!! i LOVE them, i8 just want to squeeze him! is scary how fast they grow up!
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